Michele Atkinson receives 2019 APMP “40 under 40” award
APMP is the Association of Proposal Management Professionals
Congratulations to Michele Atkinson, CF APMP, for being recognized by APMP as one of 4o outstanding proposal management professionals from around the world. APMP’s 40 Under 40 program celebrates winners’ accomplishments to date and future aspirations.
The program recognizes contributors who are young but have already made a noticeable impression on their companies and the overall profession. Hailing from around the world, the 2019 class features proposal managers noted for winning big, revamping processes, facilitating teamwork, and giving back to their communities.
The APMP 40 Under 40 awards will be presented publicly at Bid & Proposal Con in Orlando this May.
See the full details here: APMP 40 Under 40
Connect with Michele on LinkedIn
Participation in APMP
When Michele started the company, she joined APMP and bought memberships for all of the proposal staff, encouraging as much participating as possible. She completed Foundation Certification and asked the other writers to follow suit. To date, Cavalry has two writers with Foundation Certifications – one of which is also a Professional Engineer.
To further her participation in the organization, Michele was selected to present on Federal Proposal Processes at Bid and Proposal Con in 2019. She presented this topic previously at the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Small Business Conference with great feedback.
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